Study 42 – Genetics Analysis of Substance Use Disorder Using the Indiana Biobank Data

Investigators:  Dongbing Lai, Ph.D., Tae-Hwi Linus Schwantes-An, Ph.D., & Howard J. Edenberg, Ph.D.

Status: Available at dbGaP

dbGaP Accession ID: phs003025.v1.p1

dbGaP Release Date: 04/07/2023

Objective: The goal of this study is to identify genes related to substance use disorders, both individually (e.g. opioid, cannabis, cocaine, etc.) as well as those related to substance use disorders in general. The study participants were selected from the Indiana Biobank, which is a state-wide collaboration that links investigators from Indiana University, Purdue University, and the University of Notre Dame and provides centralized processing and storage of specimens that are linked to participants’ electronic medical information. This study includes genotype and phenotype data from 1,625 participants with substance use disorders and 1,625 matched controls who have been exposed to drugs. Among the participants with substance use disorders, there are cases with opioid (N=658), cannabis (N=593), cocaine (N=303), and other drug (N=831) use disorders, defined by ICD codes from the linked electronic medical information (ICD 9: 304 and 305; ICD 10: F11-F19). The exposed controls were selected for: a) Not having any drug, nicotine, and alcohol use disorders, b) Having filled in-hospital pharmacy prescription for opioid, stimulant, sedative, or other drugs that may cause addiction, and/or c) Positive drug screen test. Furthermore, the controls were matched to the cases by self-reported race, sex, age, and broad geographic area (relevant to understanding environmental variables). This study includes both African American participants and European American participants. Genotype data were generated using the  Illumina Global Diversity Array (GDA array). Phenotype data include sex, race and ethnicity, age at diagnosis or age at the last evaluation.


No instrument available