Study 20 – Innovative Approaches for Cocaine Pharmacotherapy

Investigators: David Oslin, Henry Kranzler

Release Date:  Available at NIDA Repository

NIDA Release Date: November 2022

Abstract:  The concurrent abuse of alcohol and cocaine is a significant public health concern; however, there is limited empirical support from clinical trials to base clinical decisions.  This is particularly true related to the basic genetics of concurrent disorders in which the research has been concentrated on homogenous populations of patients with alcohol or drug dependence.  Thus this application with a focus on both the identification and treatment of concurrently dependent adults provides a unique opportunity to explore the genetic and familial patterns of dependence in these subjects.  The studies proposed as part of this P50 center provide an opportunity to explore two principal aspects of genetics – namely pharmacogenetic response and diagnostic specificity. 

Thus the aim of this laboratory will be to examine highly promising genetic polymorphisms in relation to specific pharmacological treatments and with respect to understanding the heterogeneity of concurrent substance dependence. 

To meet these aims, we intend to collect DNA from individuals participating in all of the clinical trials associated with this center.  In addition to the core clinical information collected as part of these trials, we will insure that diagnostic, family history, and measures of response to alcohol and drug use are included in these trials.  We fully intend that the DNA collected in these patients will be shared with the NIDA DNA bank and we intend to participate fully in the NIDA Genetics Consortium (NGC).

We recognize that insufficient data exists to determine the necessary sample size calculations in order to test specific hypotheses.  Thus the aim of this component is focused on hypothesis generation rather than hypothesis testing.


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