Distribution Files
This dataset contains dependence diagnoses common among all studies.
- SAS: nida_nicotine_dist_v11_0.sas7bdat
- Excel: nida_nicotine_dist_v11_0.csv
Diagnostic Interview
These datasets contain raw interview data that is specific to each study.
- Study 2
- NIDA_STUDY2_DAST.sas7bdat
- NIDA_STUDY2_FTQ.sas7bdat
- Study 6
- SAS: NIDA_study6_nicotine_intvw_v2_0.sas7bdat
- NAGS101_extract_procformat.sas (associated SAS formats)
- Study 9 (Site 25: case-control)
- nida_study9_cidi_b461.sas7bdat
- nida_study9_cidi_dx461.sas7bdat
- nida_study9_cididx_site25.sas7bdat
- nida_study9_csq465.sas7bdat
- nida_study9_dse465.sas7bdat
- nida_study9_ese465.sas7bdat
- nida_study9_ftqftnd465.sas7bdat
- nida_study9_genhx_542.sas7bdat
- nida_study9_ndss465.sas7bdat
- nida_study9_ngcvars542.sas7bdat
- nida_study9_nicotine_v4_0.sas7bdat
- nida_study9_pquit465.sas7bdat
- nida_study9_pshx465.sas7bdat
- nida_study9_rsmq465.sas7bdat
- nida_study9_smkhx465.sas7bdat
- nida_study9_wisdm465.sas7bdat
- nida_study9_cimport_formats.sas (program to read formats in *.cport)
- formats_study9.cport (portable SAS formats catalog)
- Study 9 (Site 27: family study)
- nida_study9_dx_site_27_cidi2.sas7bdat
- nida_study9_ngcsite27pomerleau.sas7bdat
- Study 10
- nida_study10_intvw.sas7bdat
- Study 15
- SAS: nida_study15_intvw_v6_0.sas7bdat
- Study 16
- SAS: nida_study16_intvw_v7_0.sas7bdat
- Study 27
- SAS: nida_study27_intvw_v10_0.sas7bdat
- Excel: nida_study27_intvw_v10_0.csv
- Study 35: selected data points from the following instruments: BRIEF WISDM 37, Fagerstrom, WSWS – WISCONSIN SMOKING WITHDRAWAL SCALE (pdfs available here)
- SAS: nida_study35_intvw_v11_0.sas7bdat
- Excel: nida_study35_intvw_v11.0.csv
- Distribution 11.0
- NIDA_Nicotine_v11_0_data_inventory: this file
- NIDA_Nicotine_v11_0_DICTIONARY: list of variables, labels and value labels
- NIDA_Nicotine_v11_0_NOTES: distribution notes
- Study 2
- Li-SAS Data Sets for NIDA Submission (1).doc:
- List of Study 2 raw datasets
- nida_study2_revised_packet_var_08AUG2009.doc:
- List of variables in SAS datasets on revised clinic packet forms not on old version forms
- Study 9
- I. Demographic Information
- General History (PDF)
- II. Smoking Information
- Smoking History (PDF)
- Personal Smoking History (PDF)
- Early Smoking Experience (ESE) (PDF)
- Daily Smoking Experience (DSE) (PDF)
- Fagerstrom Test For Nicotine Dependence (FTQ/FTND) (PDF)
- Personal Quitting History (PDF)
- Michigan Nicotine Reinforcement Questionnaire (M-NRQ) (PDF)
- Russell Smoking Motivations Questionnaire (RSMQ) (PDF)
- Nicotine Dependence Scale (PDF)
- Nicotine Dependence Syndrome Scale (NDSS) (PDF)
- Consequences of Smoking (CSQ) (PDF)
- Wisconsin Inventory of Smoking Dependence Motives (WISDM) (PDF)
- Family History of Smoking (not available)
- Non-Smoker Survey (not available)
- III. Use of Other Drugs
- Substance History (PDF)
- Use of Tobacco Products and Recreational Drugs (PDF)
- Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST) (not available)
- Alcohol Intake (PDF)
- IV. Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI)
- Section A (not available)
- Section B (not available)
- Section D (not available)
- Section E (not available)
- Section F (not available)
- Section G (not available)
- Section J (not available)
- Section L (not available)
- V. Other Instruments for Assessing Psychiatric Disorders
- Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) (PDF)
- Survey for Assessment of Moods – Depression (SAM-D) (PDF)
- Attention and Hyperactivity (AHA) (PDF)
- State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-Trait) (PDF)
- Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ) (PDF)
- Dieting and Bingeing Severity Scale (DBSS) (PDF)
- VI. Personality Assessments
- Tri-dimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ-Brief) (PDF)
- NEO Personality Inventory (NEO) (PDF)
- VII. Miscellaneous Forms
- Physical Activity Questionnaire (PDF)
- Body Image Questionnaire (BIQ) (not available)
- Miscellaneous Information (MISC) (PDF)
- I. Demographic Information
- Study 15
- COGEND_NIDA_Repository_Data_Dictionary.xls: List of Study 15 variables and values
- Study 16
- NDS WISDM items.docx: WISDM-68 and NDSS items
- NIDA_study16_dictionary.xls: data dictionary from study 16
- Study 27
- AAND_Distributable_Codebook.doc
- nida_study27_data_dictionary_11-2-20.csv
Abstracts and Instruments
- Study 2 – Mapping Susceptibility Genes for Nicotine Dependence
- Study 6 – The Genetics of Vulnerability to Nicotine
- Study 9 – Differentiation of Phenotypes for Smoking: Administrative Supplement to Join NIDA Genetics Consortium
- Study 10 – Pharmacokinetics of Nicotine in Twins
- Study 15 – Nicotine Dependence
- Study 16 – Nicotine Dependence
- Study 27 – The Genetic Study of Nicotine Dependence in African Americans (AAND)
- Study 35 – Genetically Informative Smoking Cessation Trial